Our Team

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Daniel Grusd

Director - Onelife Wealth Managment


Craig Jaffe

Director - Lending Services


Amanda Vorster

Practice Manager Financial Advice


Jane de Real

Admin Ninja Financial Advice

We look forward to working with you to achieve your goals.

Daniel Grusd

Director - Onelife Wealth Managment

Nothing makes you feel alive like being forced to face your mortality. At a relatively young age, I was put in that situation on two separate occasions. I have chosen to see those events as a blessing as they taught me how finite our time is and therefore how important it is to make the most of every moment. I try to remind myself of this on a regular basis and keep that motivation with me in both my personal and work life.

I am passionate about creating the space to have the right work-life balance whether it’s making the time to go for a surf, taking our kids on a camping adventure or simply having a few quiet moments to reflect on what’s truly important. When I look back on my life, I want to be able to say I did what I loved doing as much as possible and made every minute count!

At a young age, my dad instilled in me the importance of Integrity and always holding true to your word. He used to say that “one’s good name is one of your most valuable assets” This is a principal that I have always held dear even more so in my position of trusted adviser to my clients.

I have been actively engaged in guiding my clients and connections to make better informed financial decisions for over 14 years. I believe that financial literacy does not need to be complicated, it comes down to a willingness to invest in your financial future, understanding the options that are available and committing to the ones that resonate most.

Every day I get to connect and engage with amazing people, I get to hear their stories and get to understand what it is that’s important to them. Often through these conversations, new possibilities are opened up and new goals are set, highlighting what is possible and helping guide my clients to take better control of their financial futures is by far the part I love most about my chosen career.

Craig Jaffe

Director Lending Services

Having a young family and running my own business, I understand the time pressures we all have and in finding the right work life balance. I am passionate about building strong and liferelationships with my clients and making the lending process as easy, streamlined and transparent as possible. I always aim provide the right solutions for all my client’s needs. I have a commitment to to be honest and ethical in all my interactions.

I have been involved in the banking and finance industry for the past 18 years working in some of Australia’s largest financial institutions. Having worked in both Private Banking and property lending, I have a vast array of experience allowing me to learn and understand all facets of lending, ranging from simple home loans, to more complex property transactions, and more recently SMSF loans.

On the other spectrum, I have been involved in Corporate Banking and cash flow lending for businesses as well as professional service firms allowing me to provide a complete offering to clients, as well as having insight and understanding of cash flows of businesses and business owners

I hold a Bachelor of Commerce (majoring in Accounting and Economics), a Masters in Finance as well as being a member of the Finance Brokers Association of Australia.

Amanda Vorster

Practice Manager Financial Advice

My passion lies within helping people. Working in the financial services industry allows me to play a support role in assisting our clients to achieve their financial goals and helping in trying times to ease financial burden. I have been working within the financial services industry for over 20 years and love what I do.

I joined the Onelife team in July 2021 and play a pivotal role in ensuring that we always have delighted clients. When I am not helping our clients, you will probably find me exploring nature on a bush walk or tantalising my taste buds with new food experiences.

Jane de Real

Admin Ninja Financial Advice

When I was young, my parents taught me the definition of hard work unveiling in front of my very eyes. By applying all the things I’ve learned from my parents, I was able to stand my ground and fought every challenges life has to offer. I love challenges.

I have experience working for one of the largest US online travel agency as a travel expert and also gained experience on automobile insurance. Before joining the Onelife Financial Team, I was a Team Lead for an offshore team of a US bank. My core task was to make sure that the team provides excellent customer service and still compliant with the business regulations. My experiences molded me to become who I am today.

During my free time, I love watching movies/TV series or hang out with friends. I also love to travel and starting to gain interest on photography.

I’m happy to be a part of Onelife Financial team.